Call for « French Related Research Projects » (F2RP) 2024

The F2RP call for projects supports the participation or development of a scientific project/event related and/or in partnership with France and initiated by a researcher, student, institution or association based in New Zealand. The maximum grant per project is 10,000 NZD.
The 2024 call is now open. Projects can be submitted continuously until November 15, 2024.



• The proposal must be submitted by a New Zealand based researcher, student, institution or association, in either French or English.

• The proposal is open to all academic fields including humanities and social sciences, and arts.

• The project must focus on a France-related scientific project or event (Conference, Summer school, research mission, research campaign…).

  • If the application concerns a research project. The project must start before March 2025
  • If the application concerns a conference the applicant must be accepted for an oral or poster presentation at the conference. The conference/summer school must be taking place before March 2025.

• France related project means that either the project is carried out in France, or a French researcher or institution participates to the project, or the topic is connected to France (French language, literature, culture, political system, biodiversity...).

• Everything can be budgeted for, except for work time (researchers’ salaries).

Scientific excellence will be a key selection criterion.

Submit an application

Applications must be submitted online using this form.

If you have any questions, please contact :

Dernière modification : 20/02/2024

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