One Planet Summit: starting 2021 with a commitment to biodiversity [fr]
The fourth edition of the One Planet Summit was held in Paris on 11 January 2021 and fostered international collaboration to protect biodiversity.
The One Planet Summits were launched in 2017 at the initiative of the President of the French Republic, the Secretary General of the United Nations and the President of the World Bank. They aim to tackle the numerous challenges triggered by climate change through practical decisions. Each edition of the summit brings together public policy and economic stakeholders from all over the world, all committed to a common goal: to rethink a more sustainable economy in favour of the climate, biodiversity and the oceans. The first One Planet Summit (OPS), held on December 12, 2017, brought together more than 4,000 people from the political world, international organisations, financial institutions, NGOs and citizens.
Since the first edition of the OPS, many international companies have aligned themselves with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, and several coalitions and initiatives committed to ecological transition have also been created. One example is the KIWA initiative, created at the end of the second edition of OPS held in New York in September 2018. Supported and financed by several states, including New Zealand and France (AFD), the KIWA initiative aims to strengthen the resilience and adaptability of Pacific states and territories to global warming.
This year, the focus was on the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. The summit will aim to define concrete actions to respond to the challenges arising from four key themes:
the protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems,
the promotion of agro-ecology,
mobilising funding for biodiversity
and the link between deforestation, species and human health.
For the last theme, the aim is to prevent future pandemics that could result from increased contact with wild species, particularly through deforestation.
This year, the event was entirely online due to the COVID-19 crisis and you can (re)watch below the discussions:
One of the main announcements at the One Planet Summit on Biodiversity was be creation of the Great Green Wall Accelerator and the effort to coordinate international stakeholders to inject fresh momentum into this flagship African Union initiative.
One Planet Summit for Biodiversity
For more information, please visit the official website: